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contact us at team@ninox-robotics.com, call 1300 377 977, or request a quote below.
Act on real-time information, and make informed management decisions based on animal distribution maps.
Coverage: up to 15km2/h
Resolution: up to 2cm/px
Vision: switch between thermal and optical
Zoom: 10x
For an example of live stream footage and distribution maps, click the button below.
Form distribution maps of animal populations. These interactive maps represent detailed information in a clear and usable format.
Utilise a distribution map of pests to form a targeted baiting plan. Not only can this produce better results, but with less bait usage (and hence at a reduced cost).
The Ninox Robotics team can coordinate hunters on the ground to deal with target pests. The hunters can see a live stream from the drone.
Aquire distribution maps immediately prior to a helicopter hunt. Increase efficiency and reduce costs by guiding the helicopter straight to affected areas.
Thermal imagery facilitates the detection of animals. The heat animals emit can be observed - even when the animal is partially obscured by trees or scrub.
By detecting animals before and after pest management programs, their effectiveness can be determined and compared.
Make informed management decisions based on weed distribution maps.
Resolution: up to 5cm/px
Coverage: map up to 25km2/h
Vision: near infrared
For an example of the map quality we provide, click the button below.
Utilise weed distribution maps to form a strategic management plan. Not only can this produce better results, but with less herbicide usage and with less man hours (and hence at a reduced cost).
By detecting weeds before and after weed control programs, their effectiveness can be determined and compared.
The near-IR spectrum allows for the observation of characteristics normally invisible to humans. The high resolution maps that are formed allow for the detection of weeds.
* fly low for best resolution; fly high for best view width, coverage, and radius of operation
Form distribution maps of weeds. These interactive maps represent detailed information in a clear and usable format.